Villa Serenity

Villa Serenity is true to its name: with its palette limited almost exclusively to white, black and dark bronze, it has a calming effect, similar to that of a boutique retreat hotel. Nature plays an important part too – a garden made in signature UDesigns style brings bonsai trees and plants into the living space, blurring the line between the outdoors and the indoors. This effect is taken further by the choice of main materials – wood and natural stone prevail, creating a minimalist and almost Japanese feel.

Working from home is the new normal, which puts the need for a comfortable compromise between a quiet office space and not being totally isolated from the rest of the house on the front burner of interior design solutions. With a fully transparent mezzanine office overlooking the lounge and the hills over the Mediterranean, the owner of this house gets the best of both worlds.

Villa Serenity is laconic in its design, where noting distracts from its main elements – nature and light. This very private house with numerous chill-out zones and seating areas is a perfect place to decompress after a stressful day at work – that is, if you could even get stressed in an office with such views.


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